Harley Grandin receives honors at UC Davis

Back in September 2010, we reported to you about cousin Harley Grandin’s academic career beginning at UC Davis. We’ve just received (4 March 2011) this latest from his father Michael Grandin.

Just received in the mail from the Chancellor's Office:

"The University of California, Davis, honors Harley Grandin for outstanding first semester academic achievements and conveys the title "First Year Scholar" in recognition and in encouragement of future accomplishments."

Michael says, unfortunately, “No bumper sticker included.” :-)

Harley is grandson of Dr. Frederick Orson "Fred" Johnson, great-grandson of Howard Alexander and Virginia McNaughton Johnson, 2x great-grandson of Frederick Orson “Fred” Johnson, and 3x great-grandson of Orson Thomas Johnson. Orson Thomas was a brother of Philip Paddelford Johnson.

We salute Harley and second the congratulations of his Grandfather and Grandmother Johnson, who remarked, “You're off to a great start and have so much more achievement ahead of you at Davis.”

UPDATE 14 March 2011
Speculation about Harley’s bright future at UC Davis was correct. The honors for him just keep rolling in! This just in from his father Michael.

"My Student Made the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Deans List”

This is a separate award from Harley's First Year Scholar awarded by the Honors College.

Harley is tutoring classmates, starting to bicycle more seriously and looking into getting his EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification. He's mentioned volunteering with Médecins Sans Frontières, perhaps this summer, but it's a bit premature to call.

Again, congratulations, Harley! Keep going gangbusters! Family members can send their congratulations and best wishes to Harley by his father Michael at mgrandin(at)sbcglobal(dot)net.